- Shutter Priority - we'll show you how to use shutter priority to precisely control your shutter speed. We explain how to freeze movement to capture wildlife, children, sports events and action
- Shutter Speed - we explain why you might want to use a slow shutter speed, how and when to use it and the effects you can create
- Focussing - we'll show you what focus modes you have available and explain when and how you would use them
- Metering - we look at how the camera meters and creates the exposure, what metering modes your camera has, how to change them and when to use them
- Jpeg v RAW - we explain the differences so you can choose the one that works best for you
- Buttons and Dials - we'll help you understand what they do, how to change them and how and when to use them so that you have a better understanding of and feel more confident with your camera
Previous Experience: to get the most from this workshop, you should have attended our Introduction to Photography Part 1 workshop or have equivalent knowledge.
Here's what you can expect from the day:
- A fun, sociable and educational day, running from 10 am until 4pm
- Tuition from an experienced professional photographer and course notes emailed to you to support your learning
- Both theory and practical time, so that you get the best of both worlds and get the most from the day no matter what your learning style