As all the best instructors will tell you, they began as a student. I was once a student of Going Digital and learnt so many amazing techniques and was able to spend quality time with like minded people. As my photography career has developed, I now have the privilege of helping others either begin their photographic journey or add to their blossoming skills.

Since my earliest memories, I have always had a camera. Photography is something that has stuck with me, even when other hobbies faded away. I have slowly built a business out of my photography and am now a Press Accredited Photo Journalist and work with multiple regional newspapers and news outlets. My role allows me to photograph so many different disciplines, from Landscape, to portrait, to live music, sport and beyond. I am very fortunate to work in a profession I love.

I take great satisfaction in guiding people and seeing them achieve their goals. I hope to see some you on the South Coast soon!